Saturday, July 26, 2008

Oh, Beautiful Butterfly!

natures playground4
Oh, beautiful butterfly
How you have transformed
From a mere larval caterpillar
Into an angel of the flowers
With wings of many colors
That flutter you around from petal to petal

Oh, beautiful butterfly
We are truly blessed
To have your presence amongst us
With wing's that have differing colors
as beautiful as a sky's rainbow
Who even in the form of a shadow
Has an innocence of beauty
that is more than we will ever know

Oh you, fly free, fly free
To the sun and to the moon
Spread your colorful wings
Feel the cool breezes gently blow between them
Fly free, fly free
To the sun and to the moon
For surely you are one of Mother Nature's
most beautiful beings
Who was created on more than just a whim

1 comment:

  1. very nice collection here..hope we can x-link?just buzz me..keep up the good work..happy sunday..:)
