Monday, November 9, 2009

Chomrong (Nepal)

Prayer Manis (Nepal), originally uploaded by elosoenpersona.

Chomrong (Nepal)

A big hairy Yak.

A big hairy Yak., originally uploaded by spkennedy3000.

This fella would not move a muscle, stood right in the middle of the narrow path, forcing me to almost fall down into a 1000m ravine as I scrambled around him. Scanned with coolscan from Kodak Gold 200

Watering place

Watering place, originally uploaded by Katarina 2353.

Watering place

Fewa Lake Colors

Fewa Lake Colors, originally uploaded by Araleya.

From high level lakeshore, we could see colorful boats together on board waiting for sailing over the peaceful Fewa lake. The water at lakeshore was shallow there were water weeds growing underneath.. Boats at Fewa lake are particularly so colorful and eye catchy.
It is beautiful colors of Fewa lake